Julia Wetstein
Julia Wetstein
Zero Waste Director, Vegware Packaging Inc.
Going for Zero Waste at Airports Going Green
Will discuss the planning, implementation and successes of the zero waste program conducted in conjunction with the Airports Going Green conference held at the Hilton Anatole Hotel in Dallas Texas in November of 2018.
About Julia Wetstein
Julia is the former Assistant Dean of Agriculture from Southern Illinois University which started a composting program in 2006. Her role with Vegware is to serve as the liaison between commercial composters and Vegware foodservice customers going for zero waste to landfill. She has consulted with cities on food waste diversion policies and participates with compost associations to promote good legislation with respect to growing composting infrastructure. She is a member of the USCC, Illinois Food Scrap Coalition, Organics Recycling Association of Ohio and the California Association of Compost Producers. Vegware "Beyond Packaging" services create successful zero waste programs.